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God Save the Rave

God Save the Rave

Freelance, Western University

About the project

The following graphics were created to promote the Fashion & Lifestyle Society’s Spring Fashion Show, titled God Save the Rave. Drawing on inspiration from retro-counterculture, God Save The Rave highlights the British underground scene in the 1990s. The Fashion & Lifestyle Society’s team curated this show to help depict the unique, edgy, and alternative nature of this era.

It was important that the graphics created reflected the nature of the 90s underground youth subcultures being represented in the show: punk rock, grunge, goth and skate. A variety of textures such as film burns, dust and scratched, and photocopy scan lines were applied to enhance the original images produced by the club, so they more accurately reflect the theme. Additionally, font choice was an essential part of the design as their distortion makes the graphics feel as if they are experiencing a moving glitch despite the fact that each piece is a single still frame.

With its edgy theme, this series provided the opportunity to challenge my usual minimalistic sense of design. These pieces are some of the most unique I have created and I believe they truly capture the essence of God Save the Rave.

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Fashion & Lifestyle Society Portfolio Images

God Save the Rave God Save the Rave God Save the Rave God Save the Rave God Save the Rave

Original Images

God Save the Rave God Save the Rave God Save the Rave God Save the Rave God Save the Rave God Save the Rave God Save the Rave